
Expand into your next level with more ease in a...

Full Day VIP Experience!

With Lauren Ashley

Rejuvenate your mind. Connect with your higher self. 

Feel YOUR powerful energy. Align with your vision.

Take your next step with confidence.

Ready to take the pressure off and get back on track to building your dream life and business with more ease?

Here’s what might be true about where you’re at right now.

While you’ve created your success mostly on your own… And you’ve seen results, you might be feeling tapped out.
You may have noticed thoughts like:
  • "How can I possibly reach my next level when I’m still trying to catch up?"

  • "I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t know what to do."

  • "I know I need to do ____ but I have so much going on and I need to create more space."
  • "Am I on the right track?"
I've been there. So many times.
You’re ready to let go of the pushing, over-planning, doing what you think you ‘should’ do and controlling the outcome.

So that you can….

  • Align with your highest self and make big moves forward… 
  • Co-create with the Universe in a much bigger way and trust deeply in your decisions as a leader.
  • Feel more at ease on a day to day basis as you bring your vision to life.
  • ALLOW your desires to make their way to you.
  • ENJOY your life and business as it continues to grow.
But first, you have to get clear on what it is that you desire, where you’re putting all your energy, where you WANT to put your energy, and what is no longer serving you.

And this is exactly what we’re going to do together during your Full Day VIP Experience!

You're Invited to

A Full Day VIP Experience

With Lauren Ashley

Rejuvenate your mind. Connect with your higher self. Feel YOUR powerful energy. Align with your vision. 
Take your next step with confidence.
You might find yourself desiring...
  • Spaciousness
  • To feel like you’re more supported (so you can say goodbye to pressure and step into more ease, peace and trust)
  • To serve and show up in a bigger way (cause you have a big vision and you’re here to do work that fulfills you and your purpose)
  • To do more of what you love in your business without stopping the cash money from flowing in
  • To work in a way that feels more aligned to who you are and leverages your energy (so you don’t feel drained at the end of the day).

I’ll be right there holding the space for you to make the big moves along the way.

Listen, we both know that doing this work on our own can feel challenging. 

If you’ve ever tried to change habits or change your brain… You KNOW it takes practice and accountability.

And that’s exactly why we’re going to work together 1:1 for 60 days following your experience to help you integrate what we create together in your VIP Day.

What you’ll walk away with:
  • A mindset plan (customized to you) to help you reach your next level with more ease.
  • A strategy to help you focus your time and energy on getting you closer to where you want to be by the end of 2023.
  • Knowing your gaps/blocks and a unique-to-you manifestation ritual to help you activate your higher-self energy daily, so you can continue your momentum.
  • The confidence to trust in yourself and your intuitive nudges to help guide your next steps!
What you get:
  • A Full 8-hours 1:1 time with me in Las Vegas or Riviera Maya, Mexico ($3,700)
  • $300 spa credit at the Wynn or Caesars palace (check it out, it’s dreamy AF) OR massage and energy work in Mexico
  • 2 months of coaching integration (6 1:1 coaching calls and 60 days of text and audio support) ($3,000)
  • Access to the Aligned & Magnetic Membership Portal (All of Lauren’s mini-courses and lives) ($2,222)

Choose your package

VIP + 60 Days Coaching



Or 3 payments of $1,555

Upgrade Your Experience

VIP + 12 months private coaching



Or 12 monthly payments of 1,177

Choose your plan

starter plan



Billed $264per user Yearly

Professional plan



Billed $504per user Yearly

*accommodation and airfare not included

Christina DiStefano

Lauren is the real deal!

"Honestly, I think of doing this all the time, but for someone that talks a lot, I felt challenged to put this testimonial together. I suppose it's because Lauren is such an incredible coach and I wanted to write something that would do justice to her work--without sounding cheesy or too much like fluff--but seriously, Lauren Ashley is the coach and mentor you've been looking for.

One of the things I most enjoyed about working with Lauren was her ability to put me at ease. I never felt judged by her as we were working through my (limiting) belief systems, and I never felt that Lauren thought she knew better than me either. Our working together felt more collaborative and at a peer level, rather than just a coach and a client.

Lauren is wise and knowledgeable yet is adept at helping guide me towards my answers (and not hers). If I needed advice, she was there to help me pull out the intuitive answers from within. She has the ability to ask powerful questions that just sort of wake me up from believing things must be one way or the other, but rather, an opportunity to tap into my own limitless possibilities.

I can't say this about all coaches I've experienced in the past; however, Lauren is the real deal. She's amazing! Thank you, Lauren!"

Artist & Host of Mindset to Manifestation Podcast / @xochristinadistefano

Girl, I know you know your shit.

And I know your logical mind tries to take over and create the plan based on all the strategy you’ve learned.
But logic is not the end all-be-all.

And mapping out another logical strategy probably won’t get you where you want to be if we’re talking about making big leaps.

I’m not your average business coach.

I understand the energetics and foundations of business, and I have the coaching skills to help YOU tap into what you know to be the right path for you (because honestly? I know a lot of people will tell you otherwise, but you’re the only one that knows where you’re going and how to get there).

Ready to up-level with ease?

Some things we could cover on your VIP day:
  • Full human design and gene keys reading. How to integrate it into your life and business (including how you manifest, what you need to recharge, how to magnetize your desires with more ease, how to sell with more ease, what you’re here to learn and your life’s purpose)
  • Authentic Branding (we’ll spend time crafting a brand that feels like a natural reflection of who you are)
  • Launch Strategy (we’ll spend time creating a launch plan that feels good to you and leverages your energy so you don’t have to push through it)
  • Mindset: Shift limited thinking and embody your highest self
  • Meditation & Energy healing

JennA Slaughter

I have a booked out 1:1 program and just raised my rates!

“I just finished working 1:1 with Lauren and I have to say this work has literally changed my life. Coaching with Lauren helped me get in touch with MY values and what is in alignment for me (including knowing when I’m off track - aka feeling bitter as a Projector). Lauren was able to hold space for me in a loving and accountable way.

Lauren's energy helped me complete MY energy - her questions prompted a domino effect and the answers I had been looking for for weeks would pour out in our sessions. We were able to create a business for myself, which started out as a hobby. I have a booked out 1:1 program and just raised my rates! I don’t know what I would be doing otherwise.

Lauren helped me to stop looking externally for answers and start looking internally to find the right answers for ME.

Since working with Lauren, I was able to manifest 7 ideal and aligned PAYING clients, the courage and audacity to tell my story even when it felt like no one was listening, a network of Queer friends that are in business and supporting one another and I’ve raised my rates.

I’ve learned how to trust the Universe and surrender, shifted into an abundance mentality. I could go on and on. If you’re on the fence about working with Lauren, trust your intuition and ask yourself ‘what if it all worked out for you? Why not you?’ you deserve to have stuff work out for you!”

Heart-Forward Business Coach / @itsjennaslaughter

Ashley Do Nascimento

I walked away from my MLM business which was no longer serving me and I also said no to two huge $$ opportunities because they were not aligned... This is huge for me!

“Over the past 3 months I’ve come to realize that I’m capable of change and that I do not desire to recreate myself but instead live out my life in alignment with the person I was meant to be when I came into this world.

The understanding of my human design coupled with learning about masculine and feminine energy has allowed me to go back to a state of being that was lost long ago. What holds me back from being, embodying and spreading love is myself, but only because of the way that I have been conditioned by society and my upbringing.

I’m ready to let go of needing to be in the masculine 24/7 (x a million) and step into flow, aligned action. I’m ready to connect further with myself, be grounded and explore more about who I am.

I’m ready to level up and bring this alignment into my business so I can show others what is possible for them - that life doesn’t have to be hard. We should never force anything, we can trust in something greater than ourselves and it’s okay to just BE.

I walked away from my MLM business which was no longer serving me and I also said no to two huge $$ opportunities because they were not aligned... This is huge for me!”

Personal Growth/Alignment Coach / @ashleyd_coaching

Meet your Coach 

Hi hi love!

I’m Lauren Ashley! An Aligned Business Coach (ICF Certified, ACC), Money Mindset and Manifestation QUEEN.

If there is one thing I'm really good at (and have been told several times by my clients), it's helping entrepreneurs make more money in a way that feels good to them.

I've been in the marketing industry for over 9 years and a full-time entrepreneur for over 4 years. I KNOW what it takes to build an authentic brand that makes real cash money (like the kind you can travel and support yourself with).

But I didn't start out successful...


In 2018, I quit my well-paying 9-5 job and moved to Mexico with no plan other than to build my dream online business that gave me the freedom to travel.

At first, I followed all of the advice and did everything I was supposed to do to build my business with little results to show for it.

It wasn’t until I threw strategy in the trash and followed my own flow that I actually saw real results, booked out my programshit 13k+ months and replaced my 9-5 income.

I went from earning $1,000/month to making $5-$8k/month!

Since then, I've been helping my clients become more visible on social media using strategies that align to them and feel authentic AF so they can make more money in their business.

You've got Questions?

We've got answers!

What's included in the VIP Experience?

  • A Full 8-hours 1:1 time with me in Las Vegas ($3,700)
  • $300 spa credit at the Wynn or Caesars palace (check it out, it’s dreamy AF)
  • 2 months of coaching integration (6 1:1 coaching calls and 60 days of text and audio support) ($3,000)
  • Access to the Aligned & Magnetic Membership Portal (All of Lauren’s mini-courses and lives) ($2,222)

How will I be supported in this program?

When you commit to a VIP Experience, you can expect VIP service. You'll have priority support from the moment you reserve your spot. Lauren takes a coach approach to coaching (per the International Coach Federation - see core competencies for an idea). You can expect to be heard, listened to and asked questions to get to your answers. This is not an opportunity for me to tell you everything I know, but for you to receive a customized experience that will help you catapult forward toward your vision.

Is this the right offer for me?

If you’re ready to do the mindset and energetic work to let go of limiting beliefs and step into your fullest potential, this is probably for you. If you're ready to take aligned action and implement what you learn, this is definitely for you!

How long is the commitment?

This is a full day experience (8 hours, maybe more) plus 2 months of private coaching following your VIP day.

Are there any refunds?

Due to the nature of this work, there are no refunds. If for whatever reason something comes up and you're unable to attend in person, we can reschedule our VIP day (location may change).

I think this would be the perfect space for me but I want to be sure before I decide to jump! Where can I get my questions answered?

I totally respect your decision making process and want to make sure you feel good about joining this space before committing. Send me a DM on Instagram or book a commitment free connection call and I’d be happy to support you! You’re not alone in this and I only want you to join if you're a HELL YES!

Still have questions or want to be sure before saying YES?

Book a commitment free call with me and I'd be happy to answer your questions and help you make an aligned decision!

© LaurenAshleyConsulting All rights Reserved | Privacy Policy

*Results depicted are my own and are a result of the work I put in. This program is not a guarantee to make more money.