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- Follow me on Instagram and let me know you're registered! I'd love to personally welcome you to the party.
- Binge Lauren's Podcast! Click here to find the Aligned & Magnetic podcast on your fav podcast platform.
- Ready to get a head start on using your intuition as your biggest money maker? I recommend the Own Your Intuition Mini Workshop for only $7! Discover what's out of alignment in your business and overcome your resistance so you can get back on track to building a profitable business YOUR way in 6-days!
Share the magic with your fellow heart-centred entrepreneur friends!
Hi hi love!
I’m Lauren Ashley! An Aligned Business Coach (ICF Certified, ACC), Money Mindset and Manifestation QUEEN.
If there is one thing I'm really good at (and have been told several times by my clients), it's helping entrepreneurs make more money in a way that feels good to them.
I've been in the marketing industry for over 9 years and a full-time entrepreneur for over 4 years. I KNOW what it takes to build an authentic brand that makes real cash money (like the kind you can travel with).
But I didn't start out successful...
In 2018, I quit my well-paying 9-5 job and moved to Mexico with no plan other than to build my dream online business that gave me the freedom to travel.
At first, I followed all of the advice and did everything I was supposed to do to build my business with little results to show for it.
It wasn’t until I threw strategy in the trash, built a rock solid mindset and followed my own flow that I actually saw real results, booked out my programs, hit my first 13k+ sales month and replaced my 9-5 income.
I went from struggling to pay the bills and putting most purchases and investments on credit, to being able to provide for my family from my business alone, live comfortably, save, travel, invest in myself, donate AND pay off debt... Oh and buy a brand new car.
Since then, I've been helping my clients become more visible on social media using strategies that align to them and feel authentic AF so they can make more money in their business.
I am SO excited to share what I know with you inside Client Attractor!
Ready to make your intuition your biggest money maker in business? I recommend the Own Your Intuition Mini Workshop! Discover what's out of alignment in your business and overcome your resistance so you can get back on track to building a profitable business YOUR way in 6-days!
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