
Rise Goddess

Alignment + Manifestation Circle

with Lauren Ashley

A 3-month spiritual journey in a loving group space to connect with your inner goddess,

clear your blocks and learn to manifest with ease so you can create a life and business

that feels aligned to YOU.




With Lauren Ashley

Applications are currently closed! Join the waitlist for 2024!
Tired of manifestation feeling like hard work?
Let me let you in on a little secret....
Manifesting your desired life and business was never meant to be complicated.
You were born with the ability to manifest your desires with ease!
The problem is that you've been letting other people tell you what to do and how to do it....
Following in the footsteps of your mentors, leaders and business coaches is getting you nowhere fast.
Letting other people tell you what to do and how to do it, is crushing your soul and your co-creation power…

Your inner Goddess.

Calling all high achievers who just don't resonate with the conventional life...

You’ve landed here because you’re a spiritual badass womxn. An entrepreneur at heart, with a massive impact to make on this earth... You KNOW you were made for more.

But you struggle to fully let go of control and allow the Universe to do the heavy lifting, don’t you?

You’ve got mindset and energetic blocks that are holding you back from fully shining your light. And frankly, you're tired of letting fear get in the way.

You don’t trust yourself and your intuition. You don’t feel brave enough to follow your inner guidance. So you look for the answers outside of you.

You constantly ask for permission.

For opinions.

For feedback… 

For guidance from others you respect...

And what you deeply desire is freedom.

Financial freedom, time freedom, the freedom to live your life, reach your goals and do business your way.

Sound like you?

If you’re ready to step into FLOW with the Universe & manifest a life that inspires you…


I get you.

>> This path of enlightenment can feel isolating <<

Everywhere you look, there’s a new tool, strategy or technique to try, and everyone has something different to say. 

Am I right?

How do you compile all of these tools and information and decipher what is truly right for YOU?

I’d like you to meet your Inner Goddess.

Your Inner Goddess KNOWS what you need. She KNOWS what is right for you. She’s been there all along, guiding you on your path. But you haven't been listening to her…

That’s why you’re still seeking external answers from other people who have achieved the results you desire.

I don’t blame you....

You’ve been told from the moment you were born...

>> what to do
>> how to do it
>> who you should be and who you shouldn’t be.

The Rise Goddess: Alignment + Manifestation Circle is THE space for you to connect to yourself, to your truth, to move through your blocks, to feel the magic of the Universe supporting you, and finally BE who you were born to be...
A spiritual manifesting badass goddess.

The RISE GODDESSManifestation Circle is THE space for you to connect to yourself, to your truth, to move through your blocks, to feel the magic of the universe, and finally BE who you were born to be.

A spiritual manifesting badass goddess. 

This is your journey.

Are you ready to...

  • Tap into your intuition, find your FLOW and co-create a life that inspires you?
  • Ditch the mindset blocks that are keeping you stuck and holding you back from receiving the abundance the Universe has to offer you?
  • Stop comparing yourself to others, feeling shameful and wondering why strategies that work for others don't work for you.... Because you KNOW and BELIEVE IN your divine intuitive strategies?
  • Work with your energy to create an impact in the world?

It's time to stop pushing and start flowing.

RISE GODDESS™ is currently closed for enrolment. Join the waitlist for 2023!
In every moment YOU are creating with the Universe. You are creating your reality.

There is no one or no thing else to blame for your situation and circumstances. 

For the project you haven’t completed, the lack of clarity you experience or the thing you tried to put out there in the world that got zero traction.

The excuses you make are just your way of hiding from what you’re really here to do.

But you’re ready to let that ego go AND CREATE A REALITY THAT INSPIRES YOU.

The truth is….

You were born great.

You were born perfect.

You were born capable.

You were born motivated.

You were born determined.

You were born wise.

You were born with access to all of the answers.

Are you ready to tap into your inner goddess?

Lauren Ashley

Feminine Alignment Coach + Mindset Queen.

Associate Certified Coach with ICF, Reiki Healer + BA honours Psychology

Hey Goddess!

I'm Lauren Ashley.

I’m THE Mindset Queen and a Feminine Alignment and Manifestation Coach.

Not too long ago, I was building my business as a health coach and I was struggling.

I was so attached to the outcome and so blocked around money that I could not receive with ease. I self-sabotaged my success (unknowingly), burnt myself out, took action out of a scarcity mindset and then wondered why nothing was working for me.

I was constantly questioning why I’d been so successful in the corporate world but couldn’t receive in my business. I didn’t trust in the Universe. I didn’t trust in myself. I didn’t feel worthy enough.

That’s when I found my own sisterhood and got to work on my soul.

I did the inner work. I looked at my wounds and my blocks. I honoured my inner child. I let go of what no longer served me. And I started doing business MY way (not the way coaches and mentors told me to).

Since then, I’ve doubled and tripled my income, replaced my 9-5 income, booked out my services and learned how to receive in so many more ways. Now I feel SO divinely supported by the Universe.

Now I want to help you get to the same place!

Women who have come through this program have:

>> Gained the confidence to finally put themselves out there and started their business.

>> Manifested more aligned jobs, clients and income opportunities (huge raises, 4-day work weeks, random $2k in cash).

>> Went from paycheque to paycheque to $6 and $7k months.

>> Replaced business strategies that felt inauthentic and forceful with fun and exciting intuitive strategies.

>> Gained clarity around their path, what they wanted and manifested it by the end of our time together.

>> Felt more peace and self-love on a daily basis.

>> Identified and let go of what wasn't serving them so they could open up to receive their desires.

>> Healed old wounds and stepped into their true power.


The Rise Goddess™ program has been a major game changer in my life. It has really helped me to unleash my inner goddess and step into the powerful woman I am meant to be

It has shown me that I don’t have to live my life the way society expects me to. It has helped me dig deep inside and create that confidence to live my life as my authentic self. It has helped me to really question things to see if it serves me and is aligned with me or am I just doing it because I think I should? 

The quests take you through an amazing journey and help you to unlock your potential. Lauren Ashley’s quests ask powerful questions that really make you dig deep to find the answers that are true to you. It helps to sharpen your intuition and realize your truth. That has been one of the biggest take aways is that I have learned to understand my truth and share my truth. I have seen so much growth in myself that when I look back to the beginning I am amazed at the major strides I have taken.

Carlene Pyziak - Modern Spirit Healer, creator of Modern Spirit Society & co-founder of Rejuv


Lauren was amazing to work with! She is very accommodating of others needs, wants, and desires. She is also amazing at asking the right questions that truly make you look at things in a different way than you were before. I love how she works with your energy, and she asks you what you need, instead of assuming that something will work for you! She has a very calming and grounding presence, which helps you feel like you can explore and discover more about yourself! With her and the knowledge that she’s given to me, I feel like I have developed new habits and ascended spiritually and in life!

Hannah McKenna - Spiritual healer, Tarot readings and Theta healings @littlebutfieerce

Meet YOUR sisterhood in the Rise Goddess™Alignment + Manifestation Circle!

What’s included in this 3-month group program:

  • 10 Inner Goddess Quests

    Receive 3x monthly divinely downloaded questions designed to take you on a deep internal journey and bring awareness to your limiting beliefs, energy blocks, alignment and to connect with your inner goddess. These quests will help you see and clear anything that is not in alignment with you. Each quest is coupled with a channeled meditation to help you connect with yourself and your divine feminine energy.

  • 10 Sacred Sisterhood Calls

    Join us 3x monthly on 90-120 minute sisterhood calls to rest and recharge through meditation and reiki, expand your awareness, share your insights and journey from your Inner Goddess Quests, be held and supported, and receive wisdom from your tribe.

  • 3 one-on-one Coaching Calls with Lauren
    Introspection is great and all, but the results come from taking inspired action... We want to see ROI! Receive 3 1:1 calls with Lauren, an Associate Certified Coach, to master your mindset, break through limiting beliefs, implement aligned strategy, take inspired action and be held accountable.
  • Reiki Healing Session 
    Through Reiki, I can tap into your energy and get a feel for what's blocking you subconsciously. I will rebalance your chakras, fill you with love, we will debrief what came up intuitively for me in the session and we'll create aligned actions to help you move forward and manifest with more ease! Receive 1 75-minute Reiki Healing Session with Lauren. 
  • Weekly Connections
    Connect weekly with womxn from our soul-sisterhood to support you on your journey, learn from one another and be held accountable.
  • Goddess Vortex Chat
    You'll have access to a high vibe vortex chat where we'll share weekly wins, wisdom and lessons with one another!


  • Goddess trainings, resources + tools

    Receive access to over 3 hours of trainings around the topics of Human Design, Manifestation and Alignment to help you understand these concepts and your authentic energy on a deeper level. 

  • Lauren's 6-step Mindset Model
    Receive access to Lauren's 6-step Mindset Model training to help you bring awareness to any and all beliefs, behaviours, attitudes or patterns that are holding you back. Learn what to look for and how to transform your beliefs and habits to serve you and your highest good.

Investment: Customized to you!

I like to approach the investment for this program in a unique way. It's flexible, flowy and feminine, and allows both of us to fully feel the magic of the Universe.

After you apply, we will connect and chat about what investment makes sense for you. During this process, it will be up to you to tap into your body (or inner authority) for guidance, and remain open to receive from the Universe to support YOU on this journey!! If you feel called to this space (and it's a HELL YES), we will figure out a way to make it work for you where you feel empowered and my work is valued!

RISE GODDESS™ is currently closed for enrolment. Join the waitlist for 2023!


“If I've learned one thing from Lauren and my time in Rise Goddess™, it's that the key to tapping into intuition and moving through challenging blocks with grace is not always having the right answers, but asking the right questions. Lauren knows what questions to ask to get you to really tap into your own power to facilitate an intuitive decision making process. The Goddess Quests got me to dive into a lot of inner work and healing that has made me feel such a strong intimate bond with myself. Tapping into my human design opened the door for me to start taking my business vision seriously by acting in alignment with my Divine design. Acting in alignment with everything I've learned about myself has translated across all areas of my life as well: I quit my soul sucking job and made peace in some frustrating relationships, and am attracting more aligned opportunities and people into my life!  I was hesitant to invest the money at first, but I sensed that the teachings from Rise Goddess™ would stay with me for years to come. I've come so far and had so many wins, I can't wait to see what I'll manifest next!”

Sophia Webster  - Traveler, Entrepreneur + Holistic Health Coach @sophiaroseholistic

Throughout this process, you will:

  • Learn how to use your body as a tool to guide you to your highest calling
  • Identify areas in your life where you're leaking your divine energy 
  • Let go of what doesn't serve you so you can step into your power
  • Learn the basics of Human Design so you can start living in energetic alignment
  • Take big steps toward your goals (set by you at the beginning of the program)
  • Understand how to manifest in a way that actually works for you and your energy
  • Learn to rest, let go and allow your desires to come to you (rather than chase or force them to happen)
  • Feel what it's like to be fully seen, heard and supported
  • Connect with your divine inner goddess and put your gifts out there in the world


"I have personally dubbed Lauren, the Manifestation Queen - because she truly is. Lauren was instrumental and pivotal in my own manifestation journey because she helped me identify what wasn't "working" for me. ie. I kept trying to manifest things that weren't actually aligned with my energy. And with a few tweaks, I was able to manifest my goal in LEGIT 3 days -- no joke. My favourite part about Lauren though, is that she doesn't believe in "right or wrong" techniques or strategies. She's all about finding what aligns and feels good to YOU. I feel so safe talking to Lauren about my dreams and goals because there's never any judgement, only understanding. And all the support in the world. If you know you need some help in upleveling your manifestation game to finally break free from the chains of life that are holding you back, Lauren is your girl."

Carolina Vee - Content creator @authenticsoulsclub


“Over the past 3 months I’ve come to realize that I’m capable of change and that I do not desire to recreate myself but instead live out my life in alignment with the person I was meant to be when I came into this world. The understanding of my human design coupled with learning about masculine and feminine energy has allowed me to go back to a state of being that was lost long ago. What holds me back from being, embodying and spreading love is myself, but only because of the way that I have been conditioned by society and my upbringing. I’m ready to let go of needing to be in the masculine 24/7 (x a million) and step into flow, aligned action. I’m ready to connect further with myself, be grounded and explore more about who I am. I’m ready to level up and bring this alignment into my business so I can show others what is possible for them - that life doesn’t have to be hard. We should never force anything, we can trust in something greater than ourselves and it’s okay to just BE.

I walked away from my MLM business which was no longer serving me and I also said no to two huge $$ opportunities because they were not aligned... This is huge for me!”

Ashley D -  Energetic re-alignment Coach @ashleyd_coaching

Need more of what's possible for you? I gotchu girl.
Why you need the Rise Goddess™ Manifestation Circle in your life right now (and not later):

We all have ups, we all have downs, we all get stuck, but in circle we learn to overcome obstacles quickly and intentionally so that we don’t STAY stuck. We use our experiences to propel us forward into a higher frequency, empower and celebrate one another along the way.

You will fall in love with yourself, with people and with your life, so deeply that everything will flow with ease. And when it doesn’t, you’ll know how to come back to love.

You can accomplish your goals + manifest your dreams so much faster in this energetic vortex that we create, with your sisterhood by your side to support you and share wisdom with you.

This isn’t about taking small steps to get to where you want to be. This work is about going to the uncomfortable places together so you can QUANTUM leap.

I don’t believe that you need to follow any one path in order to get what you want.

But I DO believe that you need to do the spiritual and mindset work to get there.

Applications are open!
I’ve been through this journey and I can tell you that it’s easier and faster when you have a sisterhood behind you.


>> Do you think crystals are pretty and magical?

>> Do you believe in unicorns and fairies?

Then yes, this is the space for you. But if you’re still not convinced...

>> Do you desire to be part of a tribe of sisters working together toward the betterment of humanity and the expansion of love?

>> Do you desire to heal and nourish your soul?

>> Do you desire to have a massive impact in the world and live dat bougie spiritual life too?

>> Are you ready to bring hella awareness to your point of attraction and what you're unconsciously manifesting?

Then you definitely need to be in this space.

>> Are you an entrepreneur at heart (whether you're aspiring, new or seasoned)? Then this place is for you.

This is not a business program (although most womxn who come through it use this program to help them align in their business and make more money OR gain the confidence and clarity to start one). This is an Alignment, Mindset and Manifestation program.

This space is a sandbox for you to completely decondition from societal programming, shift your reality and how life gets to work for you, and FEEL the power of the Universe supporting you. It's a vortex where anything is possible and where you can truly feel and step into your authentic energy as a human with a purpose on this planet.

RISE GODDESS™ is currently closed for enrolment. Join the waitlist for 2023!

Lauren Ashley

Feminine Alignment Coach + Mindset Queen.

Associate Certified Coach with ICF + BA honours Psychology

A note from Lauren...

Hey gorgeous!

If you’ve arrived here, you’re probably looking for a sign that this is right for you. You might be wondering if this can really happen for you. I hear you. I had my doubts too. The thing is, how will you know if you don’t try?

I’ve seen the results of my work time and time again on clients and students. I know that if you believe in yourself and commit, you can achieve the results you’re looking for. Because you are no different than me.... We are all born the same. We are all equal.

The truth is that you can be, do and have anything and everything that you desire. There is no reason that you of all people can’t.

The difference between those who have what they want and those who don’t… Is that those who have what they want decide they’re going to change their lives, commit to the journey and get support.

They don’t give up when they fail because they know that failure is part of the process to mastery.

Girl, you have 2 options....

Option 1: You can stay stuck where you are… Continuing to try the same things that haven’t been working, investing in all the products and strategies with little to no results…


Option 2: Tap into You can try something new. Take a chance on yourself. Believe in yourself. Decide that you can be, have and do anything you want. You can take the leap, and change your life.

What will it be?

RISE GODDESS™ is currently closed for enrolment. Join the waitlist for 2023!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if this program is for me?

If you are reading this right now, this program is for you. How do I know? Because you've taken the time to read through this whole page OR something has called you to this section (whether it's something I've said or something you read about Rise Goddess™). Now, I know it might sound like an airy fairy space... Like "what EXACTLY am I going to walk away with?"... TBH it's completely up to you. I've designed this program to bring awareness to the areas in your life that are holding you back from having your desires. So you'll get exactly what you need to get out of it to reach your goal/life purpose.  If this program has made it's way into your life, I see it as divine timing.

What is the cost?

Wonderful question! The value of this program is huge. This is my lowest cost group program. I don't share the value or investment on this page because I truly want to work with each individual soul that comes my way to overcome their blocks around money, self-worth and mindset. And in my experience, sometimes having a number on the page can stop us from even applying or trying. I'm about keeping an open mind and allowing the Universe to support our divine desires. My belief is that if you belong in this space, the Universe will make it happen. What I can tell you is, my sales process feels good to both of us. You will not be pressured into this program or feel guilted into making a commitment. I only want you here if you're a hell to the fuckin yes.

What will I walk away with?

You will walk away with exactly what you want to walk away with. Want to clear your blocks around receiving money? Consider it done. Want to figure out what's not working in your business? Done deal. Ready to expand into your next level in a flowy and easy way? I got you. So the better question is, what do you desire to walk away with?

If you have questions or need to talk it through, send me a DM on Insta: @coachlaurenashley

When will the calls be?

We will figure out a call time as soon as doors close and everyone is in the space! We will all need to be flexible as coordinating different schedules can be tough but I know it'll work out (it always does). Note that weekend calls are a possibility.

I've been through Rise Goddess but want to come through again. What would that look like?

Yay! I would love to have you back. I've designed Rise Goddess™ so that you can go through the quests over and over again and get new insights every time! I'm super excited to support you in this next phase of your life and am grateful to have you back again. We'll work out a special rate for you as an alumni after you apply.

When do we start?

You'll get access to pre-work at the end of June and we'll officially begin our group calls at the start of July (after the holidays of course)!

RISE GODDESS™ is currently closed for enrolment. Join the waitlist for 2023!

© Lauren Ashley Consulting 2022. All rights Reserved I Disclaimer