With Lauren Ashley
Let me let you in on a little secret....
Following in the exact footsteps of your mentors, leaders and business coaches is getting you nowhere fast.
Letting other people tell you what to do and how to do it, is crushing your soul, your manifestation power…
Your inner Goddess.
You’ve landed here because you’re a spiritual badass woman. You have a massive impact to make on this earth... You KNOW you were made for more.
But you struggle to fully let go of control and allow the Universe to do the heavy lifting, don’t you?
You’ve got mindset and energetic blocks that are holding you back from shining your light.
You don’t trust yourself and your intuition. You don’t feel brave enough to follow your inner guidance. So you look for the answers outside of you.
You constantly ask for permission.
For opinions.
For feedback…
For guidance from others you respect...
Sound like you?
If you’re ready to step into FLOW with the Universe & manifest a life that inspires you…
Listen up.
I get you.
>> This path of enlightenment can feel overwhelming <<
Everywhere you look, there’s a new tool, strategy or manifesting technique to try, and everyone has something different to say.
Am I right?
How do you compile all of these tools and information and decipher what is truly right for YOU?
I’d like you to meet your Inner Goddess.
Your Inner Goddess KNOWS what you need. She KNOWS what is right for you. She’s been there all along, guiding you on your path. But you haven't been listening to her…
That’s why you’re still seeking external answers from other people who have achieved the results you desire.
I don’t blame you....
You’ve been told from the moment you were born how to do things, what to do to be successful, who you should be and who you shouldn’t be.
The Rise Goddess™: Manifestation Journey is THE journey for you to connect to yourself, to your truth, to move through your blocks, to tap into the magic of the universe, and finally BE who you were born to be.
A spiritual manifesting badass goddess.
The RISE GODDESS™: Manifestation Journey is THE space for you to connect to yourself, to your truth, to move through your blocks, to feel the magic of the universe, and finally BE who you were born to be.
A spiritual manifesting badass goddess.
This is your journey.
Are you ready to...
It's time to stop pushing and start flowing.
Ready to start your journey?
In every moment YOU are creating the Universe. You are creating your reality.
There is no one or no thing else to blame for your situation and circumstances.
For the project you haven’t completed, the lack of clarity you experience or the thing you tried to put out there in the world that got zero traction.
The excuses you make are just your way of hiding from what you’re really here to do.
But you’re ready to let that ego go AND CREATE A REALITY THAT INSPIRES YOU.
The truth is….
You were born great.
You were born perfect.
You were born capable.
You were born motivated.
You were born determined.
You were born wise.
You were born with access to all of the answers.
Are you ready to tap into your inner goddess?
Lauren Ashley
Feminine Alignment Coach + Mindset Queen.
Associate Certified Coach with ICF, Reiki Healer
Hey Goddess!
I'm Lauren Ashley.
I’m THE Mindset Queen and a Feminine Alignment and Manifestation Coach.
Not too long ago, I was building my business as a health coach and I was struggling.
I was so focused on strategies that didn't feel good to me, I was super attached to the outcome and so blocked around money that I could not receive with ease. I self-sabotaged my success (unknowingly), burnt myself out, took action out of a scarcity mindset and then wondered why nothing was working for me.
I was constantly questioning why I’d been so successful in the corporate world but couldn’t receive in my business. I didn’t trust in the Universe. I didn’t trust in myself. I didn’t feel worthy enough.
That’s when I started looking at my alignment and my energy and WOW did things change quickly after that!
I did the inner work. I looked at my wounds and my blocks. I honoured my inner child. I let go of what no longer served me. And I started doing business MY way (not the way coaches and mentors told me to).
Since then, I’ve increased my profits by 600%, I had my first 15k launch and I am fully booked with clients who came to ME. I learned how to receive in SO many ways and I feel SO divinely supported by the Universe.
Now I want to help you get what you desire by stepping into your authentic alignment and tapping into your intuition.
"I have personally dubbed Lauren, the Manifestation Queen - because she truly is. Lauren was instrumental and pivotal in my own manifestation journey because she helped me identify what wasn't "working" for me. ie. I kept trying to manifest things that weren't actually aligned with my energy. And with a few tweaks, I was able to manifest my goal in LEGIT 3 days -- no joke. My favourite part about Lauren though, is that she doesn't believe in "right or wrong" techniques or strategies. She's all about finding what aligns and feels good to YOU. I feel so safe talking to Lauren about my dreams and goals because there's never any judgement, only understanding. And all the support in the world. If you know you need some help in upleveling your manifestation game to finally break free from the chains of life that are holding you back, Lauren is your girl."
Carolina Vee - Confidence & Life Purpose Coach www.carolinavee.com
Learn to live your life on YOUR terms with ease and confidence in the RISE GODDESS™ Manifestation Journey!
What’s included in this 10-week self-guided program:
Rise Goddess™ + 1:1 Coaching
Dive deeper in a safe space with Lauren and be held accountable to your vision.
*Limited space available*
Please note: Lauren does not schedule coaching calls after 4pm but can open space for you on a Saturday morning if needed.
USD paid in full
RISE GODDESS™ Self-Guided Journey
Have the tools you need to go deep at a price you're ready for!
USD paid in full
Or choose a payment plan that works for you!
The Rise Goddess™ program has been a major game changer in my life. It has really helped me to unleash my inner goddess and step into the powerful woman I am meant to be.
It has shown me that I don’t have to live my life the way society expects me to. It has helped me dig deep inside and create that confidence to live my life as my authentic self. It has helped me to really question things to see if it serves me and is aligned with me or am I just doing it because I think I should?
The quests take you through an amazing journey and help you to unlock your potential. Lauren Ashley’s quests ask powerful questions that really make you dig deep to find the answers that are true to you. It’s helps to sharpen your intuition and realize your truth. That has been one of the biggest take aways is that I have learned to understand my truth and share my truth. I have seen so much growth in myself that when I look back to the beginning I am amazed at the major strides I have taken.
Carlene Pyziak - The Unconventional Trainer + Creator of femfiercewellness.com
“If I've learned one thing from Lauren and my time in Rise Goddess™, it's that the key to tapping into intuition and moving through challenging blocks with grace is not always having the right answers, but asking the right questions. Lauren knows what questions to ask to get you to really tap into your own power to facilitate an intuitive decision making process. The Goddess Quests got me to dive into a lot of inner work and healing that has made me feel such a strong intimate bond with myself. Tapping into my human design opened the door for me to start taking my business vision seriously by acting in alignment with my Divine design. Acting in alignment with everything I've learned about myself has translated across all areas of my life as well: I quit my soul sucking job and made peace in some frustrating relationships, and am attracting more aligned opportunities and people into my life! I was hesitant to invest the money at first, but I sensed that the teachings from Rise Goddess would stay with me for years to come. I've come so far and had so many wins, I can't wait to see what I'll manifest next!”
Sophia Webster - Entrepreneur + Content Creator sophiaroseroams.com
Why you need the Rise Goddess™ Manifestation Journey in your life right now (and not later):
We all have downs and we all get stuck, but you will have the tools you need to overcome obstacles quickly and intentionally so that you don’t STAY stuck. You will learn how to use your experiences to propel you forward into a higher frequency and empower yourself and others along the way.
You will fall in love with yourself, with people and with your life, so deeply that everything will flow with ease. And when it doesn’t, you’ll know how to come back to love.
You can accomplish your goals + manifest your dreams so much faster in this energetic vortex that we create, with your sisterhood by your side to support you and share wisdom with you.
This isn’t about taking small steps to get to where you want to be. This work is about going to the uncomfortable places together so you can QUANTUM leap.
I don’t believe that you need to follow any one path in order to get what you want.
But I DO believe that you need to do the spiritual and mindset work to get there.
"Lauren has opened my eyes to a whole new mindset on various topics I struggle with-those of which regard my physical & emotional state. These conversations with Lauren are so very different from anything I have ever had as she always shows up, follows up & offers support & appropriate questions to push me to dig deeper.
Lauren’s work has sincerely helped me make a mindset-breakthrough in a variety of situations in my life, whether that be; my physical well-being, how I feed my body & soul or how I can effectively navigate my way through juggling being an Elementary School Teacher & running a side hustle holistic wellness business. I recommend the work & support Lauren offers to anyone who is looking to live a life full of intention & confidence!"
Campbell Filer - Teacher + Wellness Advocate @drops.of.wellness
I’ve been through this journey and I can tell you that it’s easier and faster when you're getting asked the right questions.
>> Do you think crystals are pretty and magical?
>> Do you believe in unicorns and fairies?
Then yes, this is the space for you. But if you’re still not convinced...
>> Do you desire to be part of a collective of women working together toward the betterment of humanity and the expansion of love?
>> Do you desire to heal and nourish your soul?
>> Do you desire to have a massive impact in the world and live dat bougie spiritual life too?
Then you definitely need to be in this space.
Lauren Ashley
Feminine Alignment Coach + Mindset Queen.
ACC Candidate with ICF
A note from Lauren...
Hey gorgeous!
If you’ve arrived here, you’re probably looking for a sign that this is right for you. You might be wondering if this can really happen for you. I hear you. I had my doubts too. The thing is, how will you know if you don’t try?
I’ve seen the results of my work time and time again on clients and students. I know that if you believe in yourself and commit, you can achieve the results you’re looking for. Because you are no different than me.... We are all born the same. We are all equal.
The truth is that you can be, do and have anything and everything that you desire. There is no reason that you of all people can’t.
The difference between those who have what they want and those who don’t… Is that those who have what they want decide they’re going to change their lives, commit to the journey and get support.
They don’t give up when they fail because they know that failure is part of the process to mastery.
Girl, you have 2 options....
Option 1: You can stay stuck where you are… Continuing to try the same things that haven’t been working, investing in all the products and strategies with little to no results…
Option 2: Tap into You can try something new. Take a chance on yourself. Believe in yourself. Decide that you can be, have and do anything you want. You can take the leap, and change your life.
What will it be?
Ready to start your journey?
Please note that there are no refunds.
© Lauren Ashley Consulting 2022. All rights Reserved I Disclaimer