Ready to build systems that make selling your online courses or programs WAY easier while also delivering a great client experience? As a Certified Podia Pro, I can help you launch your online course(s), migrate from another platform and build automated systems that work FOR you, using my favourite platform, Podia!

As an Entrepreneur and course-creator, you wear many hats!

Integrating automation and a smooth client experience can help you lessen your day-to-day to-do list by turning cold leads into hot ones who are ready to buy.

Book a free consultation today to learn about how we can support you with building a seamless online experience for you AND your clients!

Services Include:

  • Podia Account Set-up
  • Podia Platform Training & Support custom to your needs/questions
  • Website Set-Up
  • Course Set-Up
  • Migration (from any other course platform to Podia)
  • Email Automation
  • Copy Review and Recommendations (so your message is crystal clear)
  • Clarifying Ideal Client and Messaging (to turn lurkers into action-takers)

Ashley Do Nascimento

Lauren opened me up to playing with my brand which has been SO EXPANSIVE- it has allowed me to think even bigger about the impact of my biz and the work that I do.

"I became so clear on my vision for my biz moving forward into 2023. Lauren was able to help me uncover a few blocks I had in regard to my biz moving forward, and she really helped to massage out the messaging, branding and purpose behind what I do. Lauren opened me up to playing with my brand which has been SO EXPANSIVE- it has allowed me to think even bigger about the impact of my biz and the work that I do. The human design piece was also hugely eye opening- we were able to identify a few areas I could directly speak from in regard to my messaging and marketing. We came up with a focused sales plan for 2023 that feels SO good and aligned to what my vision is and made me feel lit up and excited about my work. Lauren challenged me to think bigger while staying grounded and to trust in my gifts. This 2 day mini masterclass was exactly what I needed to craft a vision for my business for 2023 and I am so grateful for Lauren’s coaching and holding the space for me to get playful with my work."

Ashley Do Nascimento //

Ready to create an Aligned, Magnetic & Profitable™ business so you can get paid for the work you're called to do in this world?