FREE 3-DAY Live Series


 Live Series

FREE 3-Day Live Series to help you become a

CEO in the New Paradigm!

Discover how to connect with your intuition and trust in yourself and leverage your energy to magnetize results in your business!

We promise to only send content that we think you'll love.

WOMAN. I see you.

You are here to have MASSIVE impact!

Are you still trying to fit your unique, beautiful, wildly creative, loving and free self inside of the entrepreneurial box?

Maybe you’re…

  • Still forcing strategies that you don’t feel 100% about but still do them because you’ve been told that they work
  • Talking about shit you think your community wants to hear about but doesn’t flow easily for you (or light you up)
  • Creating perfectly curated content that *should* convert (but frankly, feels a little forced and inauthentic)
  • Trying to work consistent hours but feeling a deep call to have some more FUN
  • Doing some or all of these things and still wondering where the results are

March 2nd-4th, 2021

Join me live every day for 30-60 minutes at 10am EST (Toronto/New York).

Replays available.


>> How to find the answers within. Learning to trust in yourself and your energy.

>> How to tell when something is actually aligned (or not).

>> How to find strategies that work specifically for YOU and your energy!

Register now to receive all the details and replays!

SO many business owners are walking around the entrepreneurial realm…

  • Asking for other people’s opinion (including my opinion)
  • Asking for permission
  • Seeking validation instead of trusting in themselves
  • Trying to make their ideas fit inside the mould of what some random ass dude outlined to be THE mould of running an online business.


Let’s stop this, because you deserve better!

Like, do you even know how cool you are all on your own?

Your ideas and energy deserve to be shared with the world in a way that is as unique as you are!

About Lauren Ashley

Hey beautiful goddess!

I’m Lauren Ashley a feminine alignment and manifestation coach, also known as the mindset queen. I help ambitious and intuitive women around the world, like you, strengthen their intuition and release limiting beliefs so they can step into their alignment and create a life that inspires them. 

I always struggled with finding what worked for me.

After searching everywhere for answers and trying everything that others recommended I do to be successful, build a business, and have impact in the world, I realized that I was headed down a path of burnout, dissatisfaction and being someone I knew wasn't me.

It was then that I realized that tapping into my OWN intuition, my own body… Is where the answers lie.

No teacher, guru, mentor, consultant, therapist or coach can tell you what the answers are for YOU.

YOU have the answers within you too. But my guess is that you've also been taught that the answers are external and must be sought from others who are further ahead than you. Right?

It is now my mission to help YOU come home to you too, trust in the divine GPS that you came to this earth with, and flow with the Universe. THAT is how you will live the life you desire to create for yourself.

Ready to do business YOUR way?

Grab your spot in the FREE 3-Day New Paradigm CEO live Series

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