
FREE 3-Day Series

The Art of Surrender:

Learn how to let go + allow your desires to flow...

Discover how to let go of control and step into the energy of allowing your desires to flow to you with ease.

We promise to only send content that we think you'll love.

WOMAN. I see you.

You're ready to have greater impact...

But you're still trying to control the outcome.

HOW your desires will come to you.

WHEN your desires enter your reality.

WHAT you HAVE to do to get there...

I get it. I was in the same place.

But what I know to be true now.... Is that it's not about HOW, WHEN, or even WHAT you have to do to make it happen...

It's how you BE... How you co-create with the Universe...

And this my beautiful friend takes mastering the art of SURRENDER.

Learn how to OWN YOUR POWER in this 3-day Live Series to Master the Art of Surrender!

It’s time to embrace your unique power, expand your frequency + have life come to you, baby.  Because you ARE a (GOD)DESS.

November 3rd-5th, 2020

Join me for a watch party! Receive a 45-60 minute training every day with homework!


>> HOW to actually let go, even when you're a control freak

>> Learning to trust that the Universe has your back no matter what

>> Surrender vs. complacency - the fine balance between letting go and having standards/expectations.

>> How to stop pushing and flow with the Universe.

>> How to become divinely supported in all areas of your life.

Register now to receive all the details and replays!

It’s a common manifestation practice to be who you want to become in order to be an energetic match for what you want. You need to become the person who already has it.

But the question is not, “who do I become?” The question is, “who was I all along?” 

Join me for my 3-day Live Series to dive into more magic!

About Lauren Ashley

Hey beautiful goddess,

I’m Lauren Ashley a feminine alignment and manifestation coach, also known as the mindset queen. I help ambitious and intuitive women around the world, like you, strengthen their intuition and release limiting beliefs so they can step into their alignment and create a life that inspires them. 

I always struggled with finding what worked for me.

After searching everywhere for answers and trying everything that others recommended I do to be successful, build a business, and have impact in the world, I realized that I was headed down a path of burnout, dissatisfaction and being someone I knew wasn't me.

It was then that I realized that tapping into my OWN intuition, my own body… Is where the answers lie.

No teacher, guru, mentor, consultant, therapist or coach can tell you what the answers are for YOU.

YOU have the answers within you too. But my guess is that you've also been taught that the answers are external and must be sought from others who are further ahead than you. Right?

It is now my mission to help YOU come home to you too, trust in the divine GPS that you came to this earth with, and flow with the Universe. THAT is how you will live the life you desire to create for yourself.

The Universe is fully here to support you - are you still trying to accomplish everything on your own? Or are you tapping into the divine wisdom, energy and support that is available to you?

Grab your spot in my FREE 3-Day Series, The Art of Surrender!

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